Often you can resolve a dispute by talking to a person in a position of authority at the business, such as a manager or even the company president. They want your business and know it is usually easier to resolve a dispute and keep a good customer than it is to find a new one. In the case of disputed charges on your credit card bill, you must act quickly to preserve your right to challenge a charge. This means not only working with the merchant to rectify the situation, but also notifying the credit card company directly, in writing, within 60 days of the initial billing date. More information on how and where to file your dispute should appear on the back of your credit card statement.
Know the information you need to file
Information You Should GatherThere are three ways to contact Georgia Department of Law's Consumer Protection Division and submit information to us.
3 ways to file your complaintComplete our online form. You can attach up to 3 attachments to your online submission. The total file size of your attachment(s) may not exceed 10MB.
Call us at 404-651-8600 or 1-800-869-1123 (toll-free in Georgia). Our representatives are available weekdays between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, and 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM on Friday. Please note that you will be asked to submit your complaint in writing if the issue appears to be one in which we would consider taking action. If your problem is in the jurisdiction of another state or federal agency, you will be directed to that agency.
We will review your complaint and take action on behalf of the consuming public as appropriate. We may refer any complaint to another agency or, depending on the nature of your claim, we may communicate with the business involved before responding to you. Georgia Department of Law's Consumer Protection Division does not act as a judge in the dispute and cannot force the business to reimburse you or comply in any other way. The matter may escalate to an investigation if the company has shown a pattern of similar violations that fall under our jurisdiction. We do respond to complaints. Most of our communication is by letter or e-mail. We deal with a large number of complaints each day, and thorough reviews take time. Understand that you will not receive an immediate reply from our office and please refrain from calling for status reports unless several months have passed. Your complaint helps to inform us about problems facing Georgia consumers and about companies which may be operating fraudulently in our state. Even if the matter is resolved, forwarding a statement of your experience, with relevant documentation, might help us establish a pattern of unlawful business practices against this company.